Nos objectifs principaux:
1. To sponsor or organize activities promoting French-American friendship
2. To promote contacts and friendships among those who have been decorated with the French Academic Palms
3. To hold or sponsor meetings here and abroad for the encouragement of cultural enrichment or exchange
4. To support and encourage the study of French culture
5. To raise money for scholarships for American students for summer study in francophone countries

Notre déclaration de mission:
As an organization consisting of residents of the United States of America or citizens of the United States living abroad who have been decorated by the French Government with the French Academic Palms, the American Society of the French Academic Palms (American Section of the AMOPA), a non-profit organization recognized by the IRS with 501(c)(3) status, strives to promote a spirit of solidarity among its members. The Society also endeavors to further interest in French language and culture. With such a goal in mind, it awards scholarships to students studying French in high school and in post-secondary institutions.
L’American Society of the French Academic Palms est une association à but non lucratif régie par l'article 501(c)(3) du code fiscal américain IRS. Ses membres sont des résidents des États-Unis ou des citoyens américains résidant à l'étranger qui ont été décorés dans l'Ordre des Palmes académiques par la France. L'association s'efforce de susciter un esprit de solidarité parmi ses membres et de promouvoir un intérêt pour la langue et la culture françaises. À cette fin, elle attribue des bourses aux étudiants qui apprennent le français dans l'enseignement secondaire et supérieur. L'association est sous le haut patronage de S.E. M. Philippe Étienne, Ambassadeur de France à Washington.

The French Academic Palms recognizes those who have rendered eminent service to French education and have contributed actively to the prestige of French culture. For those who are named and promoted in the Order of the French Academic Palms (l’Ordre des Palmes académiques), this esteemed distinction acknowledges their merits, talents, and exemplary activities.
Napoleon I first created the palmes académiques as an honorary title to recognize members of the University in 1808. The academic palms became a decoration in 1866, under Napoléon III, at which time the honor was also extended to non-teaching persons who had rendered illustrious service to French education. Thus, the academic palms is the oldest non-military French decoration.
By decree of Président René Coty, the Order of the Academic Palms was instituted in 1955 as the first of ministerial orders recognized by the French Republic and was defined by three ranks: Chevalier (Knight), Officier (Officer), and Commandeur (Commander).
Decorations for each rank are below:

Silver medallion
worn on a necklet
on left breast

Golden medallion
worn on a ribbon with rosette on left breast

Golden medallion
worn on a ribbon with rosette on left breast
In addition, both foreigners and French living abroad who contribute actively to the expansion of French education and culture in the world may also be recognized. To be named a chevalier, one must be 35 years of age. For promotion to the rank of Officier or Commandeur, except by rare exception, five years must have elapsed between ranks. However, promotion is not automatic.
In the United States, dossiers for nominations and promotions are typically prepared by the French Consulates and forwarded to and reviewed by the French Embassy before being transmitted to the Ministry of the French National Education in Paris, which makes the final decision on French and foreign recipients. Nominations and promotions, by decree of the Prime Minister and upon proposal by the Minister of the French National Education, occur twice a year: January 1 and July 14.
Members of the Order of the French Academic Palms residing in the United States are invited to become members in the American Society of the French Academic Palms (ASFAP), which is the Section USA of the Association des Membres de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques (AMOPA). Membership in ASFAP is for the calendar year. Payment of dues to ASFAP also includes membership in the international organization, AMOPA, in Paris.